Monday, December 8, 2008

Mercy Ministries and Celebrate Recovery

I am starting this blog to share with those who are struggling or have loved ones that are struggling with addictions of any kind. My concern for parents who are struggling with eating disorders or have children or other family members that struggle with this type of illness. Feel free to go to myspace and view my story and you would not how I relate to this in my blog and also have my story on my profile page. Go to I had struggled with an eating disorder for over 2 years after I had my baby. There was first a health issue that winded up leading to anorexia. This is my reason for wanting to share with you about Mercy Ministries this is a program that takes in girls and women from the ages of 13-28 that struggle with self harm, sexual abuse, eating disorders, drug addictions and so much more. The program saved my life as a struggling suicidal teen that was hooked on drugs and was ready for life to end. Ever felt you were just existing and had no purpose or was ever told that you would never amount to anything or get your life straight. Well that is not something you have to take and believe about yourself just because that is what others say. Nobody is perfect and we all have struggles in life and reasons behind why we do what we do. Alot times its a form of escapism cause we would rather stay high than live in reality. No matter who you feel or view yourself you are no mistake and you do have purpose in life. Alot of times people get locked up only to go back to the same life style they had before they got there.
Parents that are pouring their money into programs to help their kids to only get them back and see them fall right back into it all again. I got some encouraging news for you moms with daughters, Mercy Ministries is free all they ask is that the girls be willing to go through the program and graduate. They are not trying to make money off of the suffering of others. Here is the site for you to check out and look into yourself.

Celebrate recovery is for women and men and teens and it covers so many areas. They just started this program at our church and it is awesome. Yes I am in church and still go because I want to see what it is all about and I am interested in being a part of the team later on. You can be in church and still struggle with hurts, habits and hangups. None of us are perfect.
It is on Friday's at 7pm to 10pm. We open up with worship, then it goes into teaching, after we go into groups which are support groups. After we go into the cafe and have food and refreshments and fellowship with others. It is good to get connected. It is not easy overcoming a struggle that you had most of your life in your own might but it is great to be surrounded by others that are in it with you and those that care and support you through the process of recovery. If you want to see if their is a Celebrate Recovery in your area go to what could it hurt to give it a chance it can be life changing.
If you have any questions feel free to ask..


  1. I came to your sight randomly, checked out Mercy Ministries website and plan to add the sight to my favorite links on my blog. Thanks for sharing your story. God bless.
